Switching to a Vegan Diet? Here’s What you Might Experience
Here are the top five positive outcomes I’ve experienced with a vegan diet. I’ve made the leap to Veganism because of the correlation between the vegan diet and decreased inflammation in the body. As a person with CNS Vasculitis which is inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain or spine, maintaining low inflammation in the body is a must.
There will be much more in my budding blog about inflammation in the body and how to avoid it from both diet and lifestyle perspectives. So much to talk about! But let’s get started with the top five positive outcomes.
Vegan Diet Helps Your Skin
I usually have some rosacea and uneven skin tone, with the plant based diet, I noticed I wake up in the morning with a glow to my skin. This is a GREAT article about how a vegan diet can change your skin – click here.
Veganism and Morning Energy
With the plant based diet I noticed I woke up with energy and didn’t have difficulty waking up. Minimal snooze button and definitely not the “foggy brain” that was a morning normal occurence. I wake up now with an immediate interest in starting my day and my morning yoga!

My Morning Yoga
Flat Tummy
I don’t wake up with a bloated tummy anymore. Period. I feel lighter, more awake, more alive when I wake in the morning. That said, I don’t get much of my protein source from beans as they are a big cause of bloating. I’m loving Vega One protein powder and have a breakfast smoothie daily.
Better Digestion and Metabolism
I’ve tried cleanses before but I’ve never woken up as hungry as I do as Vegan. My digestive system can process everything in my plant based diet quickly, giving me the energy to focus on my day and my life. Toxins in processed food and animal based food can overrun the body. When the skin tries to take on such a significant role in detoxifying, the process can manifest as skin conditions like hives, acne, rosacea, eczema and psoriasis. Yes, yes, I can see that now.
Lower Grocery Bills
Meat is expensive and half the time I didn’t even know if what I was eating was laced with antibiotics. If I wanted to be sure I was eating grass fed – even more expensive. My grocery bill is probably about $30-$40 less a week. Let me be clear, I am eating a plant based diet, no “fake” process meats or things like process quinoa or black bean burgers. I make my food from scratch. This is a HUGE factor in cost reduction and I might add, I’m doubtful my tummy would be as flat if I was resorting to processed “fake” meat. Important to keep to whole foods and plant based.
Why is a Vegan Diet Healthy?
Whole foods and plant-based diets are typically lower in fat and evade the pore-clogging saturated fats found in meat and dairy. Also, fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, minerals and phytonutrients, which are the building blocks for radiant skin and strong hair. Last, and this one is huge, animal based saturated fats and hormone-laced dairy can lead to inflammation of the skin and acne. There are tons of hormones in the standard dairy products.
What Have you Noticed About Going Vegan?
If you’ve gone vegan recently, I’d LOVE to hear what you noticed, please share in comments! Also, since I’m new at this, I’m curious to hear any words of advice on things you wish you would have known!

Kris and Louie – Vegan Energy
Love and light,