Here are 12 natural ways to boost your immunity naturally and help your body defend itself.
Although no lifestyle change, nutritional supplement, or, other methods aside from social distancing and having proper hygiene (aka hand-washing) can protect you from something like COVID-19, the methods outlined below can strengthen your body’s own immune defenses. A strong immune defense can help you fight off nasty colds and viruses.
1. Get enough sleep and good quality sleep
It goes without saying that immunity and sleep are closely tied. This is my number one. In fact, every January, I monitor my sleep for the first 8 weeks of the year.
Most adults need 7 or more hours of sleep a night, teens need 8-10, and infants and younger children up to 14 hours. Athletes can require quite a bit more sleep than others. If you’ve ever trained for something like a marathon, you’ve probably noticed your body needs more rest.
You also need more sleep when you’re sick to help your body fight off the illness. In a study of 164 adults, those that slept fewer than 6 hours were more likely to get a cold than those that slept over 6 hours. Another study showed that those that slept under 6 hours were 4.2 times more likely to catch a cold.
Pro Tip: Log your sleep for 6 weeks to get a gauge of your sleep patterns. Rate your sleep on a scale of 1 to 5. I wear my Garmin watch and log my sleep including deep sleep and REM. Did you also know that drinking alcohol reduces your REM sleep time?
2. Decrease stress
Stress increases the risk of catching a cold, but why?
Your body releases the hormone cortisol under stress. Cortisol shuts down the immune system’s inflammatory response to free up energy to deal with threats. Cortisol is essentially an “off-switch” for the inflammatory response. The key is the symptoms of a cold aren’t caused by the virus, they’re caused by the inflammatory response to the infection. You want to produce enough of a response to fight off the infection, but not so much that you experience the cold symptoms.
The key here is with chronic stress, cortisol is overproduced and the immune system becomes resistant. In the absence of the off-switch, the inflammation lingers long after the cold virus is gone. So the immune cells aren’t responding to cortisol. At the same time, the body’s exposed to a virus that’s creating an inflammatory response, but the body doesn’t have the mechanism to turn off the inflammatory response, which manifests as cold symptoms.
Add on inflammatory disease, like asthma, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease, and they would also most likely be affected by stress.
3. Good hydration
Staying hydrated is a key part of keeping your immune system healthy.
The immune system is highly dependent on the nutrients in our bloodstream. Your bloodstream is made mostly of water. If you aren’t properly hydrated, you can’t effectively get nutrients to your organs. Hydration is also important for removing toxins, foreign invaders, and waste materials and increasing lymphatic draining.
The general rule is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. So, if you weigh 120, you need to drink 60 ounces of water a day, minimum. If you’re pretty active, you need quite a bit more. Also, if you drink coffee or alcohol, you need more.
If you’re already sick the most important reason you need a lot of fluids when you’re sick is fluids help think your mucus so your sinuses drain better.
4. Take a quercetin zinc + bromelain supplement
Multiple Covid studies focus on inhibiting viral replication and decreasing the severity of Covid. During many of these studies, zinc is highlighted as a mineral needed to regulate immune cell functions. Higher zinc levels in the cells affect the intracellular PH which in turn can help decrease the replication of the RNA virus.
That brings us to quercetin. Quercetin is a safe and natural anti-oxidant compound that acts as a zinc ionophore to push zinc into the cell to do its job of regulating immune cell functions. Quercetin could have an antiviral effect against RNA viruses because it helps push zinc into the cells.
Bromelain activates natural killer cells which are white blood cells (lymphocytes) that respond quickly to a wide variety of pathogens or virus-infected cells.
5. Get a vitamin C infusion
While quercetin, zinc, and bromelain are important powerhouses against the RNA virus, Vitamin C is the ultimate antioxidant powerhouse. Vitamin C helps with immune defense by helping with various cellular functions, supporting the epithelial barrier against pathogens, and ultimately helping kill off microbes.
The critical aspect of vitamin C is nutrient absorption. I found myself looking for higher vitamin C absorption levels when I got Covid. Vitamin C absorption is orally and IV is enormous. An IV moves the Vitamin C directly into your cells without passing through the gut.
In contrast, if you take a vitamin C supplement orally, here’s the path it has to take. Please take a look at the article linked here for more information.
- Digestion in the stomach – where gastric acids, enzymes, and “intrinsic factors” may or may not be adequate or overly acidic.
- Digestion in the small intestine – where fats, protein, and carbs are absorbed, and where essential enzymes must be present, unless there’s a problem.
- Absorption in the large intestine – where mostly water and minerals are absorbed.
- Transport of the nutrients to the liver for detoxification and processing.
- Delivery from the liver to blood vessels going to the rest of the body.
- Absorption from the blood vessels into the tissues and from the tissues into the cells
Let’s suffice to say, there’s a lot that could go wrong here. Plus the average amount of time your Vitamin C levels remain elevated with an IV dose is 2-3 weeks. There were no questions, when I was sick with Covid with my Autoimmune issues, I went straight for the Vitamin C IV, “do not pass, do not collect $200”.
6. Increase your vitamin D intake
A study published recently showed that people with a vitamin D deficiency are more likely to have a severe case of COVID-19. The study showed vitamin D helps bolster the immune system to deal with viral pathogens that attack the respiratory system. The study showed that of the 250 patients hospitalized at Galilee Medical Center, patients that were vitamin D deficient were about 14 times more likely to have a critical case of COVID-19.
Although there’s not a ton of published data on whether you should take a Vitamin D supplement, health officials in several countries have recommended supplements because there is a strong correlation between a vitamin D deficiency and a critical case of COVID-19.
As a reminder, as with any of these tips, you should always consult with your doctor before taking supplements.
7. Moderate Exercise
If you do get a pretty good bronchial virus, even COVID, it’s not the time to be training hard. Any time the body is fighting something, the energy you’re using to recover energy is taken away from battling the virus/illness. You want to do some movement usually to keep the blood flow moving and circulate healing oxygen in your blood, but you don’t want to do so much that your body needs to recover.
Side story: COVID took me to my knees where my lungs were concerned because of my autoimmune issues plus the common cold tends to settle in my lungs. Just when I thought I had it beat, I took a YogaSculpt class and by that evening was struggling to breathe. COVID lingers much differently than a cold. This was my experience and I’ve run into several who have the same. This is 100% where you need to check with your doctor for exercise recommendations. Everyone’s health background is different.
8. Eat anti-inflammatory antioxidant-rich foods
This could be a separate article in itself. Poor nutrition is linked with inflammation and oxidative stress, both compromise immune health. Also, both inflammation and oxidative stress are elevated when you have COVID-19.
These foods won’t prevent you from contracting the novel coronavirus or cure the disease, but they have been shown to support immune health by harnessing inflammation and oxidative stress. In addition to the Vitamin D-rich foods below, check here for immune-boosting superfoods.
Vitamin D
We’ve already mentioned that Vitamin D-rich foods may help protect your lungs during the coronavirus infection by disrupting the virus’s ability to attach and multiply. Some vitamin D-rich foods are salmon, egg yolks, cod liver oil, sardines, and tuna.
If you’re like me and plant-based, it may be harder to get your vitamin D. I get my vitamin D through a vegan supplement, vitamin D fortified plant-based milk, fortified tofu, mushrooms, and good old sunshine!
Mushrooms are really the only good source of vitamin D that is natural and not fortified. The interesting thing about mushrooms is like humans, they can synthesize vitamin D when exposed to UV light. The only caveat is mushrooms produce D2 while animals produce D3. Vitamin D2 helps raise the levels of D in the bloodstream, however not as effectively as D3.
Last, it isn’t going to do any good to eat commercially grown mushrooms. Only wild mushrooms are a source of vitamin D2 because they are exposed to UV light which is needed to synthesize it. Wild mushrooms can supply up to 2,300 IU per 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving.
9. Eat Probiotic-Rich Foods
Probiotic foods are some of the best to boost immunity because they contain live bacteria and yeasts that are excellent for gut health and the digestive system. The ultimate key to optimal nutrient absorption is a good gut balance of bacteria.
Probiotic-rich foods
- Kombucha
- Kvass (fermented drink made from rye bread)
- Sauerkraut & Kimchi (unpasteurized)
- Yogurt/Kefir (for non-vegan diets)
- Tofu, Miso, Natto (fermented soybeans)
- Probiotic supplements (, Toniiq, Trust your Gut)
10. Gargle with saltwater
Saltwater gargles are a time-tested way to alleviate sore throat pain. Studies also show that salt water may help reduce infection severity. A randomized trial study in Japan showed that throat gargling with tap water 3 times a day significantly reduced the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection (UTRI) by 36%.
Another randomized study in England showed nasal cavity irrigation and throat gargling with hypertonic saline within 48 hours of upper respiratory tract infection symptoms reduced the overall viral load plus reduced illness by 1.9 days, medication use by 36%, and household transmission by 35%.
11. Take a Hot Bath, Sauna, or Hot Tub
Research shows that when combined with regular exercise, saunas can help you build a stronger immune system. Some studies have also shown that regular saunas can help reduce the severity of a cold or the flu. When heat is induced in the body, white blood cells are generated, which help build immunity. Also,, a bath, hot tub, or sauna can help you relax and reduce stress.
Nasal Passages and Humidity
The first line of defense against respiratory viruses is the nasal cavity and sinuses, which maintain a protective mucosal barrier that traps viruses. You need to have a moist mucosal barrier to defend your body against respiratory infections. A hot tub, sauna, hot bath, or vaporizer creates that humid environment.
If the nasal passages are dry, the mucous becomes thicker and more difficult to clear, conditions become more favorable for viral penetration and replication.
12. Grapefruit, orange & lemon peel homemade tea
Here is a time-tested recipe handed down for generations that can help alleviate respiratory issues, strengthen the immune system, and help your body heal itself.
- Grapefruit – High in vitamin C which strengthens the immune system and also helps the body eliminate toxins. The rind of the grapefruit is a natural source of quinine, used for centuries to kill organisms that cause disease.
- Oranges – Also high in vitamin C as well as vitamin A, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. Oranges also may help decrease excess mucus from the head and nose.
- Lemons – Rich in vitamins B & C as well as calcium, iron, potassium, and phosphorus. Lemons are a natural antiseptic and can help destroy the bacteria in an infection. Lemon is also alkaline-forming in the body. An alkaline-based body can up to 20 times more oxygen than an acidic body and decrease the attraction of disease-causing micro-organisms.
- Peppermint Oil – brings oxygen into the bloodstream. Cleanses and strengthens the entire body.

Immune-Boosting Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange Tea
To help the body heal itself from respiratory illness.
- 4 grapefruit (Organic)
- 4 lemons (Organic)
- 4 oranges (Organic)
- 4 cups filtered water Or enough water to cover the rinds
- peppermint oil optional
- manuka honey or organic honey optional
1. Wash the grapefruit, oranges and lemons thoroughly. I usually soak in vinegar and water. Then rub the rinds dry vigorously with a clean dishtowel. You want to make sure to get any wax off the rind. Also, although organic, to be sure there isn't any remnant pesticide or toxins from overspray.
2. Peel the skin of the grapefruit and oranges and place in the stockpan. If there are bigger size peels tear into smaller, even pieces.
3. Cut the peel off the lemons. There are a few ways to do this. Lemons don't peel easilly by hand, so I prefer to cut the ends off then cut the rinds off in a downward motion. Place the even size peel pieces into the stock pan.
Measure 4-6 cups of filtered water and pour over the peels. If the water isn't covering the peels, add more water until the peels are covered.
Cover the stock pot and bring the peels to a boil. Once boiling, turn down and let simmer for 3 hours. Once it's hit 3 hours, turn off the stove and move the pot off the burner. Let cool to room temperature.
Place a large bowl in the sink and the strainer on top of the bowl. Pro tip: use a bowl with a pour spout. Pour the peel/water mixture which is now Homemade Hydroxychloroquine into the strainer a little at a time so it doesn't overflow.
Pour into a glass quart jar and store in the fridge. Do not cover until cool.
Quick Tip: Pour the Hydroxycholorquine into silicone ice cube trays and freeze. Once frozen, remove from trays and place in storage container or bag. For a quick burst of nutrients, place 4-6 cubes into your morning smoothie.